Taking scrap metal and old engine parts to create one-off works of art... all in the pursuit of gaining additional fabrication skills and experience

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  • Pistons

    All types and sizes of pistons can be made into custom one-off works of art, whether it is carving a mean looking face, business logo, or simply a personal message to a loved one. A fully posed body can also be made using engine parts, tools, etc if desired... we can meet your needs

  • Chainlink Figurines

    These simple figures can be posed casually, sports, fishing, shooting, you name it. Additional items can be made to go along with the design such as baseball bat, tennis racket, golf club/ball, fishing boat, motorcycle, etc.

  • Much More...

    If you have a need for something else not already made, please do not hesitate to reach out and we can discuss how to accomodate your needs.